

27-28-29 April


Nitin : +91 83205 98322


  • Mecha-Hunt is derived from the conventional treasure hunt game with certain modifications. It will have both types of clues, technical as well as non-technical. After solving all the clues you will reach the final destination. Here the main barrier for the team will be timing. The solution of each clue will help you to reach the next destination.

Event Structure

  • ROUND 1: 'Know Your College'
  • In this round, you will be given 3 clues in total. Each leading you to the next destination. The starting point of all the teams will be different.
  • ROUND 2: 'Know Your Machines'
  • In this round, you will be given 3 clues in total, each leading you to the next destination, and at last to the final destination.
  • (Volunteers will ask you questions when you visit the machine and will give you the next clue only after giving the correct answer of the previous clue).


  • The teams must report at the time allocated to them.
  • Usage of vehicles is prohibited.
  • If there is any damage/loss to the machine tools or instruments of the college then the team responsible for that damage would be liable to pay for the damage
  • The participation fee for a team of 2-3 participants is Rs 150.
  • Winners will be rewarded with attractive prizes.
  • Participation certificates will be given to every participant.
Download RuleBook

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