IT Quiz
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27-28-29 April |
Nitin : +91 83205 98322
- The 'IT QUIZ' is a quiz competition, which is based on IT-related question.
- It is an event which tests your knowledge along with your speed.
Event Structure
- ROUND 1:
- There will be a google form given to all the participants which includes 30 questions (20 general questions,5 coding related,5 tricky questions)
- The time limit will be 25 minutes.
- The correct answer will add +1 marks and the incorrect answer will reduce marks by –1.
- ROUND 2:
- There will be 15 questions.
- It will be a buzzer round that accepts the ‘first come first serve’ strategy.
- Questions will be a little bit complex from the previous round.
- ROUND 3:
- This round will be like KBC.
- There will be 15 questions & 2 lifelines (50-50 & ask your opponents).
- Participants must have to submit the form within the time limit. After that, no excuses will be entertained.
- If the participant is caught cheating/using any unfair means, he/she will be disqualified.
- Participants must bring their mobile phones with an active internet connection.
Judging Criteria
- For the first round, the judging criteria will be marks. In the case of a tie/draw, submission time will be the next judging criteria.
- For the second & third rounds, the judging criteria will be the no. of correct answers of each team/participant. In case of a tie/draw after 15 questions, 3 bonus questions will be asked.
- The participation fee for individual participation is Rs 60.
- Winners will be awarded with cash and attractive prizes.
- Participation certificates will be given to every participant.