
Scavenger Hunt

27-28-29 April


Nitin : +91 83205 98322


  • It is a treasure hunt event based on civil engineering. You'll be provided with certain clues, and based on the clues you need to solve the hunt

Event Structure

  • ROUND 1:
  • In this round, participants will have to solve some questions (clues/riddles).
  • The list of questions will be given randomly.
  • Further instructions will be given to you on the day of the event.


  • The questions given should be solved in sequence and with respect to the list given.
  • In case of conflict, the decision taken by the organizers will be considered final and no further excuses will be entertained.
  • Mobile phones, smartwatches, or any other smart devices are not allowed during the hunt.
  • The participants who are not well known about the college campus will be provided a campus map for their convenience to travel.
  • The participation fee for a team of 2-3 participants is Rs 150.
  • Winners will be rewarded with attractive prizes.
  • Participation certificates will be given to every participant.
Download RuleBook

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