
Chem Q

27-28-29 April


Nitin : +91 83205 98322


  • CHEM-Q is a quiz-based event that will test your knowledge of Chemistry and problem-solving questions related to Chemical Engineering.

Event Structure

  • Before the event, there will be an introductory session in which we will provide all the information regarding the event.
  • ROUND 1:
  • In this round, there will be objective type questions which should be completed in the given time.
  • ROUND 2: (Fastest finger first)
  • In this round participants will be asked questions and priority will be given to the one who will raise his/her hand first for answering the questions.
  • ROUND 3:
  • All the participants will be asked some questions on the slides of a ppt and they will have to answer the question within the given time limit.


  • Accuracy and time constraints will be taken into consideration for the evaluation purpose.
  • In case of any conflict, misbehavior, or misconduct, the decision taken by the management team will be considered the final decision.
  • The participation fee for an individual participation is Rs 60.
  • Winners will be rewarded with attractive prizes.
  • Participation certificates will be given to every participant.
Download RuleBook

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